Mac System 7 Download

System 7.5 and Mac OS 7.6 introduced many new features and greater modernity while staying within reach of most early Macintosh models.

I’m happy to report that System 7.5 and Mac OS 7.6 are the real deal. These versions of the Mac OS make connecting to and communicating with modern computers easy and convenient. They allow access to nearly every 68k-compatible application, and 7.5.3 and 7.5.5 are freely and legally available to boot!

PCE.js Mac Plus emulator running Mac OS System 7 — a hack by James Friend PCE.js emulates classic computers in the browser. This is a simulation of a Classic Macintosh from 1984, running System 7.0.1 with MacPaint, MacDraw, and Kid Pix.

  1. For others, there's SheepShaver, a PowerPC emulator capable of running Mac OS 9.0.4 down to Mac OS 7.5.2 and there's Basilisk II, a 68k emulator, capable of running Mac OS (8.1 to 7.0). For everything older than System 7, you will need a Mac Plus emulator like Mini vMac NEW! Since August 2016, it is now possible to emulate a PPC and boot Mac OS.
  2. Mac Os 7.0 Download Free; For more on Mac OS 7.x, visit System 7 Today and see System 7: Bigger, Better, More Expandable, and a Bit Slower than System 6 and System 7.5 and Mac OS 7.6: The Beginning and End of an Era Mac OS 8.1 update (only from 8.0, adds HFS+ support, last to support any 680×0 Macs, and 680×0 Macs cannot boot from HFS+.
  3. Sep 17, 1996 Download Apple System 7.5.5 Update for Mac to update your Mac OS updates 7.5.3 to 7.5.5N?
  4. Jul 09, 2013 I have a mac SE that currently has System Software 7.0.1 on it and I have a 68030 accelerator and 4MB of ram. I would like to upgrade it to system software 7.1 and cannot find anyone at apple that knows there ever was a system 7 or where to download it or buy floppies of it.

In this article, I’ll be talking about System 7.5 a lot, but I really mean “the various versions of System 7.5 and Mac OS 7.6” If you’re a fan of 7.6, please feel free to substitute it wherever you read System 7.5.

Shiny New Baubles

Continuing the evolution from Blue to Pink, System 7.5 includes several Macintosh firsts.

  • Apple Guide extends the Macintosh ease-of-use even further. Picking up where Balloon Help left off, Apple Guide actually works with you, step by step, to help perform tasks and solve problems. If you get lost, Apple Guide can even circle in red the onscreen area where attention is required. Adding Apple Guide support to applications is easy with the Apple Guide Authoring Kit.
  • Desktop Printing makes handling an overload of many networked printers easy! Every printer you choose to use appears as an icon on the desktop. Monitoring the progress of print jobs is accomplished quite intuitively by double-clicking the printer’s icon. Choosing a default printer is as simple as selecting it and choosing “Default Printer” from the Printing menu that will appear. This new menu also contains many options to fine-tune printer settings. Say good-bye to that awful PrintMonitor!
  • Extensions Manager helps automate the sometimes-tiresome job of INIT and cdev (extensions and control panels) management. Opening this Control Panel presents you with an organized list of all INITs, cdevs, “scri”s, and several other types of System Folder inhabitants. Each item has a checkbox to simply toggle it on or off, and custom groupings can be saved. For example, one set may contain everything for day-to-day use while another minimizes extensions for gaming or video capture.

When it’s time for fun, you’ll find a new Jigsaw Puzzle that’s customizable with your own favorite picture. Eric’s Ultimate Solitaire Sampler finally puts Windows 3.1’s Solitaire in its grave, and if you have a Power Mac, the QuickDraw 3D-based Gerbils is a real classic.

Features You May Already Love

Apple had gone on a buying spree. Many new System 7.5 features were already familiar as must-have shareware or freeware titles for System 7.0 and 7.1. With WindowShade, any window can be collapsed to its title bar by double-clicking with an optional modifier key. Loved SuperClock under System 7? It’s returned for Round 2 and now lives inside the improved Date and Time control panel.

The organizational power of the Apple Menu comes alive when Apple Menu Options enables recent-file tracking and folder navigation through pop-out menus. And when it comes time to find that all-important file, Ziff-Davis Computing’s advanced Find File program (with built-in file contents search!) flies onto your screen simply by pressing Command-F.

For quick access to many of the Mac’s important “switches”, you’ll love the Control Strip. Previously available only on PowerBooks, now you’ll find it sliding across the desktop of all sorts of Macs!

More Improvements Lurk Deep Within

As usual, many more improvements are invisible but will enhance the way you use your Macintosh nonetheless:

  • QuickTime 2.5 (the last free version of the venerable multimedia powerhouse) is greatly improved. This version is faster, supports more video codecs, is more expandable, and has greater still-image capabilities than previous versions.
  • Macintosh Easy Open lets the Finder make somewhat informed guesses about which app created an unknown document, a great convenience.
  • An improved Sound Manager enables more fun in your games and more pizzazz in your multimedia.
  • It is no longer necessary to restart to change monitor resolution.
  • Built-in CD-ROM support saves the trouble of installing driver software for Apple’s CD-ROM drives.
  • Open Transport networking is far more modern than MacTCP, faster, and supports more doodads to make network applications roar.
  • ColorSync helps to make sure that what you see really is what you get.
  • Macintosh Drag and Drop brings the copy-and-paste feature to new heights of intuitiveness.

What Goes Up…

…must come down, and System 7.5 and related versions aren’t all perfection.

Continuing with the negative as well as positive trends, System 7.5 was the largest and slowest release ever, in its day. However, constraining your System Folder to a reasonable size will ensure that the speed penalty is minimized. System 7.5.5 is fairly responsive on any Macintosh with at least a 16 MHz processor, and it’s tolerable (but notably sluggish) on the 8 MHz Mac Plus, SE, and Classic.

The other side of this same coin is System 7.5’s increased RAM requirements. An out-of-the box installation of 7.5.3 consumes 2,598 KB on my Macintosh LC, and testing reveals that a system with all the important updates swells to 4,096 KB. That’s 4 MB just to boot the operating system! That RAM hunger is the largest reason I don’t recommend System 7.5 for RAM-limited Macs.

30-40 MB is a reasonable System Folder. 200 MB is not. Guess how small mine is.

On the bright side, with any Mac that can take 4 or more 30-pin SIMMs – or even just one 72-pin SIMM – this RAM-chomping behavior is nothing to worry about. With 32 MB free after booting a 36 MB Performa 460, you’ll never even notice how much RAM 7.5 is taking up.

Since relatively large RAM upgrades like these are available quite cheaply (and sometimes even for free), System 7.5’s RAM footprint isn’t as fearsome as it might have seemed 20 years ago.

OpenDoc and QuickDraw GX: Gone Before Their Time

System 7.5 was the last system software release made while Apple still believed it could ship Copland in a reasonable timeframe. As such, it’s a virtual dumping ground for technologies that never grew up.

OpenDoc was Apple’s plan to get us all hooked on document-centric computing. The idea was that instead of needing to dance back and forth between behemoth applications to produce a document, we could simply open the document in a “container” application. Once the document was open, we’d have the freedom to bring in specialized software “parts” to accomplish tasks such as photo editing and spelling-checking.

OpenDoc was one of the core foundations of what was to become Copland, and part of its allure was that it was an open cross-platform standard. Apple had partnered with various other high-tech big kids to get OpenDoc to be the Next Big Thing. OS/2’s implementation was supposed to be a grand day out.

The timing couldn’t have been worse. We all know what happened to OS/2, the writing was on the wall about Copland, and very few outside the OpenDoc Partnership ever adopted OpenDoc technology. Today it’s remembered mostly as the extension that’s required to get CyberDog to run.

QuickDraw GX was another revolutionary technology that just didn’t make it. GX was to be the successor to QuickDraw and formed a complete replacement from printing to display, color-matching, and font management. QuickDraw GX provided many improvements for the user, such as a more helpful print dialog; smarter, better-looking type; and improved ColorSync integration.

In addition, it had several features that were very cutting-edge among personal computers of the day: When using GX-enabled fonts in a GX-savvy application, its typehandling capability was exceptional. Context-sensitive glyphs knew which version of each letter to show for best appearance. Also, its native ability to create coordinate transformations using a 3×3 transformation matrix on the fly was a first in its class.

Several factors conspired against QuickDraw GX and destroyed it before its day in the sun. First, to take advantage of QuickDraw GX’s amazing printing features, each printer driver needed to be rewritten from scratch. Few third-party hardware vendors expended this effort, so many end-users were left without GX printing. Worse, few major software packages were updated to use any of QuickDraw GX’s advanced printing, typography, or drawing capabilities. Even if you had GX printer drivers, it was hard to find a program to use that power.

Finally, QuickDraw GX was slated to be the graphics engine behind Copland. NeXTstep, the heir to Copland’s throne, included its own advanced drawing suite, Display PostScript. Why keep developing it when its replacement was known to be coming soon? Unlike OpenDoc, parts of QuickDraw GX lived on. Stripped of its printing features, QuickDraw GX shipped with Mac OS 8 and was fused into standard QuickDraw with Mac OS 8.6 and higher.

All These Numbers Flying Around!

These versions of 7.5 and 7.6 were produced:

  • System 7.5 (Sept. 1994): The original release was preinstalled on many computers.
  • System 7.5.1 (Mar. 1995): Available by updating System 7.5 with System Update 1.0.
  • System 7.5.2 (Aug. 1995): An interim release that was installed on the Power Mac 7500, 8500, 9500, and first-generation PowerPC PowerBooks.
  • System 7.5.3 (Jan. 1996): The result of updating 7.5.2 with System Update 2.0.
  • System 7.5.3 Revision 2 (May 1996): The most confusing version. Product of updating 7.5.2 or 7.5.3 with System Update 2.0 Revision 2. Also available on CD-ROM or by download from Apple.
  • System 7.5.4: This is the shy version. Released for but a day or two, 7.5.4 was pulled due to a serious bug affecting Power Mac 5400 and 6400 models using IRTalk. Though I haven’t used it yet, I don’t see how a Power Mac bug would affect 68k Mac users. Excellent for the nerdiest among us if you can find it!
  • System 7.5.5 (Sep. 1996): The pinnacle of System 7.5 evolution. Includes all fixes from earlier patches. Updater still available from Apple. Last Mac OS to support 1986 Mac Plus and more recent 68000-based Macs.
  • Mac OS 7.6 (Jan. 1997): Update to System 7.5.5 to get Apple in line with new Mac OS release plan of one new CD version every year.
  • Mac OS 7.6.1 (Apr. 1997): Update to Mac OS 7.6. Provides bug fixes and support for the new PCI Power Macs (4400, 6500, 5500, 7300, 8600, 9600) and the PowerBook 3400.

Apple released Mac OS 8 in July 1997

About This Macintosh Computer

Mac OS 7.6 deserves some special mention. The most obvious difference is the name change; this was for the Mac clone manufacturers, who weren’t making Macintoshes but “Mac OS Computers”. Basically, Mac OS 7.6 is System 7.5.5 with a few software updates packaged on CD-ROM.

This has been refuted: Let’s look at Apple’s release notes for 7.6. Two of the three major performance enhancements and another of the 4 other enhancements apply only to PowerPC Macs:

Mac OS 7.6 offers a number of important performance enhancements, including

  • Virtual memory and memory management
  • The File Manager’s caching scheme
  • The PowerPC Resource Manager routines

In addition to improvements in performance.

The system’s memory allocation scheme for some of its more frequently used shared libraries has been streamlined to take advantage of file mapping when virtual memory is turned on.

New functionality in Extensions Manager, documented in Technote 1091: Extensions Manager 4.0, which lets you add comments, version, and package information to your extensions.

A new “umbrella” installer, which walks the user through a safer, saner installation process. This includes disk-integrity checking and fewer restarts.

Support for volume sizes up to 2 terabytes on all PowerPC and 68040 models.

Mac OS 7.6 has several disadvantages compared to System 7.5.5:

  • Inability to run on 32-bit dirty Macs (Mac II, IIx, LC, IIcx, and SE/30)
  • Lack of support for 24-bit addressing and thus lack of support for applications that require it. Also no support for 68000-based Macs, which are 24-bit only.
  • New Installer. While the installation process is a lot better, it has a major bug: The custom install option doesn’t work. Spend 10 minutes selecting just the right components for your Mac? Doesn’t matter; you’re getting the Easy Install anyway.
  • Default installation of OpenDoc Essentials Kit. This might have been great when Apple was trying to get everyone excited about OpenDoc, but now nobody wants it besides CyberDog users. Most of us could do without.
  • Cost: Apple still hasn’t let go of Mac OS 7.6. It is not freely available for download; if you want it, you have to pay for it.

In Defense of 7.6

All that aside, there is one really good reason to recommend Mac OS 7.6 over System 7.5: Large volume HFS support. If your Macintosh supports SCSI Manager 4.3 (PowerPC and 68040-based systems only) and you have a hard disk that’s larger than 4 GB, System 7.6 will let you make huge partitions. That in and of itself could be worth the price of entry for some users.

I’d also say that 7.6 is better than 7.5 for PowerPC Macs because of the aforementioned performance improvements. Mac OS 7.6 is a fine system, but given its close similarity to System 7.5.5 and the fact that it costs money, I can’t recommend paying for a copy unless you’ve got a Power Mac or need support for partitions larger than 4 GB.

Wrapping It Up

System 7.5.5 and Mac OS 7.6 are great system versions for vintage Macs that have what it takes to use them. Luckily, “what it takes” is really not much more than “at least 16 MB of RAM and a 16 MHz CPU”.

System 7.5.3 and the 7.5.5 updater are freely downloadable from Apple. After all the necessary updates are applied, it can file-share (both ways!) with Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, print to TCP/IP-based networked printers, read modern Windows CD-R discs, and generally do everything most people require from a computer.

Mac OS 7.6, while not free, is just as good as System 7.5.5 – and better in a few respects. It is recommended over and above 7.5.5 for those with Power Macs and for 68040 users with hard drives bigger than a couple of dozen megabytes. [You need 70 MB just to install it.] If you have a copy, don’t be afraid to use it!

My personal website has a more technical article series about the somewhat involved procedure necessary to bring System 7.5.5 fully up-to-date (see Installing a “Modern” System 7.5.5). Most of the information is applicable to Mac OS 7.6 as well. › Mac-os-system-701-downloadMac Os System 7.0.1 Download -

If you’re not a System 7.5 or 7.6 user, there’s no time like the present to consider becoming one!

Next: Mac OS 8 and 8.1

Further Reading

  • Copland, Wikipedia
  • CyberDog, Wikipedia

Keywords: #system75 #macos76

Short link:

searchwords: system75, macos76

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The macOS desktop client from AnyDesk brings high frame rates and low latency, amounting to reliable stability and breathtaking speed. AnyDesk’s proprietary DeskRT codec compresses and transfers image data efficiently without loss of quality and ensures near-instant response times.drop support:
Address book supports moving and copying items via drag'n'drop. Create desktop shortcuts for AnyDesk sessions via drag'n'drop

  • New option for handling display resolution:
    'Auto-adapt Resolution' option in Display menu is now supported.
  • Remote screen handling:
    AnyDesk doesn't light up the remote screen when only 'File Manager' feature is used.
  • Privacy feature support:
    Privacy feature availability is now properly reported for older macOS versions.
  • General usage bugs:
    Error which prevented some customers from accessing Address Book is fixed. Error which prevented some customers from accessing Address Book is fixed.
  • Version 6.1.0

    12 Nov 2020

    • Support for new macOS:
      Added support for new macOS 11 Big Sur.
    • Support for new hardware:
      Added support for new Apple Silicon hardware.
    • File manager layout bug:
      Fixed issue with File Manager UI layut under certain situations.
    • Fixes:
      Fixed couple of small bugs.
    Version 6.0.3

    7 Oct 2020

    • Session recording:
      Separated settings for incoming and outgoing automatic session recording.
    • Security improvement:
      Security improved for configurations with AnyDesk service installed.
    • Remote mouse cursor shape:
      Fixed bug when remote mouse cursor has a wrong shape when using specific applications.
    Version 6.0.2

    22 Sep 2020

    • Important - end of support for macOS 10.10 (Yosemite):
      Version 6.0.2 is the last to support macOS 10.10 (Yosemite). We strongly recommend upgrading to newer macOS version in order to receive further AnyDesk updates.
    • Settings improvement:
      Improved Settings for Interactive access.
    • User interface fixes:
      Fixed menu actions for File Transfer and VPN sessions. Main window startup position issue fixed. Main window startup position issue fixed.
    • Screen recording permissions:
      Fixed Screen Recording permission detection for Chinese users.
    Version 6.0.1

    26 Aug 2020

    • Improved iOS support:
      Support for improved connections to iOS devices.
    • Speed dial bugfix:
      Fixed disabled context menu on Speed Dial items.
    Version 6.0.0

    6 Aug 2020

    • Two-Factor Authentication:
      When enabled, an additional dialog will be shown after authentication by password or token, requesting a time-based one-time password provided by a third device. This feature requires an app supporting TOTP..
    • Wake-on-Lan:
      When enabled, devices running AnyDesk that are currently in sleep mode can be woken up by other AnyDesk devices in the same local network.
    • Speed dial improvement:
      Hide individual item groups in Speed Dial.
    • Keyboard layout:
      Fixed bug when keyboard layout does not match to input into Unattended Access password dialog.
    • Speed dial bugfix:
      Fixed issue which prevented renaming of Speed Dial items.
    • Incorrect online state:
      Fixed issue when sleeping mac reported incorrect online state.
    • Important - support for macOS 10.10 (Yosemite):
      We plan to discontinue macOS 10.10 (Yosemite) support soon. We strongly recommend upgrading to newer macOS version.
    Version 5.6.0

    17 Jul 2020

    • VPN connection:
      With this mode two PCs can be put into a private network over a secured connection.
    • Support for 2FA:
      Added support for connecting to Two-factor authentication enabled hosts.
    • TCP tunnel automated action:
      Run user script when TCP tunnel is connected.
    • Installation procedure:
      Drag'n'drop to Applications folder installation method is offered by default now (legacy install method is still supported).
    • New menu option:
      Install Anydesk Service menu option added.
    • Support for macOS Big Sur beta:
      Fixed application crash on macOS Big Sur beta.
    • Fixes:
      Fixed couple of small bugs.
    Version 5.5.4

    15 Jun 2020

    • Bugfix:
      Fixed software update notification.
    Version 5.5.3

    10 Jun 2020

    • Address Book view mode:
      Thumbnail view mode has been added to Address Book.
    • Split Full Screen experience:
      Split Full Screen experience enabled for Connection Window and Address Book.
    • Automatic startup:
      Option to disable automatic startup of AnyDesk has been added.
    • Compatibility with mobile devices:
      Keyboard input from mobile devices improved.
    • Connection type icon:
      Connection type icon is now displayed correctly.
    • Fixes:
      Fixed couple of small bugs.
    Version 5.5.2

    7 May 2020

    • Access Control List:
      New feature Access Control List (or white list for incoming connections) is now available.
    • Multiple sessions:
      Added support for multiple session windows.
    • Address Book:
      Address Book improved for better usability.
    • Privacy permissions:
      Improved macOS privacy permissions handling.
    • Compatibility:
      Improved compatibility with 3rd party software.
    • Fixes:
      Fixed couple of small bugs.
    Version 5.5.1

    21 Apr 2020

    • Crash bugfix:
      Fixed a crash when user account picture is not set.
    Version 5.5.0

    17 Apr 2020

    • TCP Tunnels:
      New TCP Tunneling (or Port-Forwrding) feature added.
    • Address Book new design:
      Address Book has been completely redesigned for easier usage.
    • Start/Stop of session recording:
      It is now possible to start/stop recording during the active session.
    • New information windows:
      Added new System Information window and redesigned the About window.
    • Discovery feature security:
      Significantly improved security of Discovery feature.
    • Accept window security:
      Significantly improved security of Accept window.
    • Power usage improvement:
      Optimised power usage for mac laptops.
    • Improved mouse scrolling:
      Mouse scroll sensitivity adjusted.
    • Remote restart:
      Fixed remote restart issue on some configurations.
    • UI bug fixes:
      Fixed Password change UI for unattended access. Fixed Proxy configuration settings UI.
    Version 5.4.6

    2 Apr 2020

    • Error handling:
      Improved error handling.
    • Privacy permissions:
      Better macOS privacy permissions handling.
    Version 5.4.5

    7 Feb 2020

    • Enhanced usability:
      Host key option allows users to use Right Command key to control the local macOS while connected to remote device.
    • Improved compatibility with Android devices:
      Added support for Home and Back buttons when connected to Android device.
    • Installer improvement:
      Reduced number of user password requests in AnyDesk installer.
    • AnyDesk remote update:
      Fixed issue when user is not able to reconnect after updating AnyDesk remotely.
    • Custom Client on Yosemite:
      Fixed crash on macOS 10.10 Yosemite related to custom AnyDesk configurations.
    • Fixes:
      Fixed couple of small bugs.
    Version 5.4.2

    14 Jan 2020

    • File manager:
      File Manager upload function fixed.
    • Reconnect after AnyDesk update:
      Fixed issue when user unable to reconnect after installing AnyDesk update.
    • Connection retry attempt:
      Fixed crash on multiple connection retry attempt.
    • Keyboard input:
      Improved keyboard input handling.
    • Fixes:
      Fixed couple of small bugs.
    Version 5.4.1

    11 Dec 2019

    • Accept window minimize:
      It is now possible to minimize the Accept window into the Dock.
    • Installation process:
      Installation process has been improved.
    • Recent sessions list:
      Fixed display of client name in recent sessions list.
    • Remove displays:
      Fixed indicator of remote displays.
    • Chat:
      Fixed crash on incoming chat message.
    • Fixes:
      Fixed couple of small bugs.
    Version 5.4.0

    4 Dec 2019

    • New Privacy feature:
      Enabling privacy mode during a session will turn off the monitor on the remote side so the screen content is hidden.
    • Blocking user input:
      Mouse and keyboard input can now blocked for the computer being controlled.
    • Automatic screen lock:
      New option to automatically lock remote screen when session ended.
    • Fixes:
      Fixed couple of small bugs.
    Version 5.1.5

    18 Nov 2019

    • Fixes:
      Fixed couple of small bugs.
    Version 5.1.4

    5 Nov 2019

    • Fixes:
      Fixed couple of small bugs.
    Version 5.1.3

    21 Oct 2019

    • New features:
      Incoming connections are now displayed in the AnyDesk Dock icon
    • Bugfix:
      Fixed issue when user is unable to reconnect to macOS Catalina and Mojave after remote restart.
    • Fixes:
      Fixed couple of small bugs.
    Version 5.1.2

    10 Oct 2019

    • Fixes:
      Fixed update function in new version notification and minor bugfixes.
    Version 5.1.1

    8 Oct 2019

    • Fixes:
      Fixed crash on macOS 10.15 Catalina for remove keyboard input.
    Version 5.1.0

    8 Oct 2019

    • New features:
      Added Discovery feature and better support for macOS 10.15 Catalina
    • Fixes:
      Minor bugfixes
    Version 5.0.0

    6 Jun 2019

    Mac System 7 Download

    • Redesign:
      New user interface design.
    • Fixes:
      Minor bugfixes.
    Version 4.3.0

    12 Oct 2018

    • File manager:
      File Manager now available on macOS.
    • Screenshots:
      Screenshots are now stored to the Desktop.
    • Speed Dial items:
      Solved loss of Speed Dial items issue.
    Version 4.2.0

    13 Jul 2018

    • Enhanced Usability:
      Implemented custom context menu for AnyDesk ID (claim alias, show alias/show id, copy address).
    • Claim Alias now available:
      Implemented claim alias feature for macOS, users can now choose an alias.
    • Keyboard Usability:
      During a session, the hotkeys of macOS are disabled locally so they can be transmitted to the remote side.
    • Incoming file manager session refreshes:
      Folder content was not refreshed on the remote side on copying files. The file manager view now refreshes automatically.
    • Compatibility for file manager session:
      Incoming file transfer sessions did not allow to change directory to folders containing a space character.
    • Usability:
      Select and Copy using Command+C now works on the AnyDesk ID.
    • Keep session alive:
      AnyDesk now prevents macOS from going to sleep mode when there is an active session.
    • Request elevation improved:
      Fixed an issue in the request elevation feature.
    Version 4.1.0

    14 Jun 2018

    • Fixed Bug:
      In some cases, the installation did not work at the first attempt. This should now always succeed on the first entry of the admin password.
    • Fixed Bug:
      The clipoard did not work when connecting to macOS. The clipboard should now work in any case, including clipboard file transfer. Please click the file button at the top of the AnyDesk window in order to receive files from the clipboard on macOS.
    • Fixed Bug:
      Improved stability.
    • Fixed Bug:
      Removed the warning that the file is downloaded from the internet.
    Version 4.0

    11 Apr 2018

    • Address Book:
      The macOS version now supports your license’s shared address books.
    • Session recording and playback:
      Implemented recording and playback of sessions.
    • Connect to the login screen:
      The macOS version also runs as a service and supports connections to the login screen, full unattended access, and user switching.

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